Featured in Shay and Dean’s penthouse apartment on The Block

The block artwork

Shay and Dean revealed their dining room and foyer to the panel of very impressed judges on tonight’s episode of Channel 9’sThe Block.

Neale Whitaker was stopped in his tracks when he first saw One Fine Print showcased in their Foyer.

“Did you notice how beautiful that art is?”,

Whitaker asked his fellow judges.

“Yeah, I did, and how beautiful this one is,” enthusiastically responded fellow judge, Darren Palmer.

The judges commented that, had the room been completed, it would have been a stunning art gallery.
(We thought it was pretty stunning too.)

One word was used to sum up the artwork perfectly:


Dean and Shay had problems completing their room when nature struck and their room was flooded. They were gutted to hear they most likely would have taken out the win if they’d have had time to finish the room.

But the judges had only positive comments about what they did complete.

“Sexiest apartment we’ve seen so far.”


“It’s feeling like the penthouse!”

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