New Bold Bright Abstract Prints for Spring

A Abstract, Aerial photo of Australia Landscape in Pink, Red, Brown and Orange .

We’re so excited that Spring is almost here!

Spring is a time for spring cleaning and change. And with Spring we present to you some brand new abstract prints from photographer, Paul Hoelen’s latest collection; Saline.

This series of images was taken from 3000 feet above the phenomenal Shark bay World Heritage area in North West Australia. The hot, dry climate and evaporation in the region greatly exceeds the annual precipitation rate. This, the seawater in the shallow bays becomes very salt- concentrated, or “hypersaline.” Sea grasses also restrict the tidal flow of waters through the bay area, preventing the ocean tides from diluting the sea water. The water of the bay is 1.5 to 2 times more salty than the surrounding ocean waters and an incredible unique ecosystem has developed as a result.

PHoelen Saline IV

PHoelen Saline V