Interior Inspiration & tips from Boutique Yellow

industrial photography print in home

We’re really lucky to be able to tap into our network of design specialists for professional interior inspiration and design tips.

But we thought it was crazy to keep all this professional expertise and advice to ourselves when so many of our clients are mist decorating or renovating their spaces. We love that our people have an appreciation for beautiful and functional homes.

So we’re bringing you “Interior Inspiration” which will consist of interviews from our favorite designers.



Interview Interior design inspiration and tips


Please share your top three design tips with us.

With a focus on artwork:

Hang artwork at the correct height. Try ensuring that the centre of a piece of art is approx 147cm from the floor. It may seem lower that you initially think looks right, but it will actually do wonders for your room!

If you can choose artwork that ties in other colours found around your room, you will help to create a cohesive, balanced space.

Hang artwork in the same direction that a wall runs… i.e. if you have a long wide wall, you need to consider art that is wider than it is higher. If you have a narrow wall space, you are looking for a narrow artwork. Again, scale plays a part as the size of these items should also be proportionate to the size of the wall.


photography framed print interior



What are your suggestions around picking art for your home?

Select items for your home that you truly love rather than items that will do for now. Even if that means that the wall stays blank for a little longer while you find/save for the right thing. Items that are purchased as quick fixes never really provide a quality result and they often stay a lot longer than you think!  Make sure also when selecting, that you consider the right scale for the space. Scale plays a huge role in achieving a great result when decorating.

mountains print photography

Boutique Yellow and One Fine Print in a client’s home.



Do you have any design rules?

Sometimes knowing the rules is the key to knowing how to break the rules and still achieve a great result.

Mmmm… I can think of a few rules that are personal to my own approach to design (such as not wanting my clients to use floor tiles in living spaces ) but I try to apply these rules with love and respect!

Rules relating to creating balance of colour, scale, height etc come into projects all the time.
Of course there are times when working on projects when a client wants to head in a certain direction that would not be my recommendation. Sometimes it is just a matter of opinion or personal taste. At other times, there are real reasons/design rules that need to be considered and at those times I am clear, informative, firm and hopefully somewhat gentle in my (strong) recommendation!!


Why an Interior Designer?

Ekk! I’m overwhelmed what can an interior designer do to help me?

The answer is that question is exactly to remove that experience of being overwhelmed. An Interior Designer sorts through all of the information and products that are on offer and identifies a select group of items that are well suited to both your project and to you personally. We learn a lot about our clients through this process and work hard to try and find solutions that will be functional and able to be enjoyed for years to come. We bring skills and experience in using colour, scale, light, tone, form, texture, line….among others things which help to achieve results that are multilayered, unique and beautiful.

I personally don’t like to see resources wasted and finances can be wasted when clients head into projects without the information that a trained professional can provide. Over the years, I have developed a bit of a mantra

“If finances are about to be spent, why not spend them wisely.”

This mantra covers many aspects that I come across in my job eg. If painting your home, why not pay a little bit of your painting budget to an Interior Designer who will help you select a great colour rather than just an ‘ok’ or even the wrong colour. In employing a professional, they will not only be armed with knowledge about how colour and lighting work in an environment, they will also be taking other things into consideration; colour can be used to ensure that existing items of furniture/artwork etc look great in their environment, colour can be used to correct an incorrect matching of other colour tones, colour can be used to bring a sense of unity throughout a space.
Consider these same skills being used across an entire renovation project and you can get a sense of how an Interior Designer can reduced the experience of being overwhelmed and also achieve a high level of results.


Interior inspiration images

About Renee

Why did you get into interior design?
I qualified in both Interior Design & Decoration and then Visual Merchandising as soon as I left school… which is going back a way! I have had a lifelong passion for beauty and have a heartfelt belief that a love for beautiful things and materialism do not need to go hand in hand. This combined with a creative spark which I can’t suppress, has led me into a role where I can be a part of the creative process which brings beauty into the lives of the people around me.

Favorite place to go for inspiration?
The Mountain. The Beach. The Valley. So much inspiration in the world around me. So much creativity and colour to enjoy firstly and then to reflect.

Please describe your design aesthetic/style?
It’s my job to help my clients achieve lovely, functional results with their projects. On occasion, this involves helping my clients to understand their own individual style and guiding them in the direction that style is leading us. This is a process I enjoy as clients learn empowering information about themselves they had not identified before. As a result, my projects are very enjoyable and always offer a great deal of variety.
For myself, I have a natural leaning towards fresh, light-filled Interiors. I prefer my own living spaces to have clean unfussy lines and the warm generous casual influences found in both Rustic and Modern Country interiors. But as I said, when working for clients, my job is to work outside of my own style and find theirs! It’s great fun.


Get in touch with Renee