One minute there was bright sunshine and the next, the clouds rolled in and it started to snow……

One minute there was bright sunshine and the next, the clouds rolled in and it started to snow……
The mountains in Canada are vast and practically undisturbed by human activities.On one particular afternoon, as the light was fading on the day, I felt like I was the only soul for miles. Having sepa…
There is something nearly indescribable about the still quietness you experience in the snow. It’s a different kind of silence; a snow silence. In amongst the trees and on the side of the mountain at …
Spring in the mountains is a beautiful thing. Even though the first signs of spring means the snow will be melting soon—not always a happy sight for a skier—I still find the first signs of spring peek…
When travelling through Canada’s frozen interior,I developed a fascination for how the forest and mountains met the highway—often the only evidence of human existence.
Snow covered roads almost but n…