Tips and Tricks on Hanging Clusters

Interior Inspiration with Stacey

If you have a large number of prints and would like to get them up on the walls in a unique and different format there are a number of genius ideas floating around, gather some of these ideas and do your own take of them.

Clusters are extremely popular and a bit tricky to hang.  One tip that I’ve found of  extreme valuable is to copy out the size of the picture you’re wanting to hang onto newsprint or any other type of paper you have laying around.  After you have traced all the photos onto paper you can place them to the desired wall with painters tape or blu tack™If you decide to use any other product ensure the adhesive isn’t one that will remove paint from walls.  You can then easily move them around until you get to a layout you’re happy with.  Just stick a note on the paper to describe the print so you can decipher between them all, it can get a bit confusing.  Remember to mark where the hanging apparatus is to go on the paper to ensure all are hung straight and in-line (if that’s what you’re after).

Go nuts, be creative and have fun!

– Stacey

Cluster Inspo:

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About Stacey
Stacey Fletcher, is our resident Interior designer who loves sharing her tips, tricks and inspiration with us!
Stacey is a Canadian interior designer now residing in Melbourne. Design has been programmed into her since she was a girl where from a young age she’d assist with renovations to our old family farmhouse. Stacey takes pleasure in designing spaces which promote a sense of pride and well being while optimising functionality for the end user. She dabbles in mixing styles and old with new. Colour is essential and she loves quirky photos and art work that can add some humour to a space.